Women in Supply Chain: an interview with Jade Cormier

This International Women's Rights Day is an opportunity to celebrate women in the supply chain and especially the women of the Winddle team!

In a traditionally masculine and unappealing sector, the situation is changing. According to Gartner, the percentage of women in Supply Chain positions has reached a record level this year, 39%! An encouraging figure, even if the road to parity is still long. At Winddle we are proud to showcase the diversity of our team, and to support the journeys of bold, free and passionate women.
Aujourd'hui, on vous partage le témoignage de Jade, développeuse web fullstack dans l'équipe, sur son expérience dans la tech et la Supply Chain.
Jade, you are a web developer, a very male-dominated profession. Can you tell us how this project was born?
After working for six years in the field of purchasing and textile development, which is predominantly female, I realized that I was thirsty for change and exploration. I was looking for something different, something that would challenge me and allow me to discover new skills. Having been interested in new technologies for a long time, that's when I decided to take the plunge: I enrolled in an intensive training program at Le Wagon, where I learned the basics of coding and developed my skills in web development.
I am happy to work at Winddle as a web developer, where I can continue to learn and grow professionally every day. Working in such an innovative and stimulating environment, with a talented and diverse team, is truly inspiring and motivating.
Does being a woman allow you to envision the job of a web developer differently in your opinion?
I am convinced that gender diversity is a real asset in the tech world. Women can bring a complementary perspective to that of men, by creating more inclusive products and meeting the needs of society as a whole. As a female developer, I am proud to be part of this community and to contribute to building the world of tomorrow. That is why I believe it is essential that we continue to promote inclusion and diversity in tech, in order to create a more equitable and effective work environment for everyone.
Winddle covers tech topics as well as Supply Chain. Did you have any prior experience in Supply Chain before joining the team?
Yes, I had the opportunity to work as a buyer and product manager in the fashion industry, where I faced issues related to the supply chain. This experience allowed me to understand the importance of efficient procurement and purchasing management. Thanks to Winddle, I can see how technology can free up time for various supply chain roles and contribute to improving operational efficiency.
What would you say to young women who are considering pursuing this path?
To all young women considering entering the world of tech and Supply Chain, I would tell them not to hesitate for a single second! We need more women in these fields to bring new perspectives, ideas, and innovative solutions. If you have a passion for new technologies and are ready to take on new challenges, then go for it!
Thank you to Jade for this valuable testimony!
P.S. If you are interested in Supply Chain topics and want to join a young and dynamic team working on an ambitious project, please contact us.
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